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Ted Haggard, Isaac Hunter, and Snakes in the Desert

Image management, Christian celebrity, sickness.
Ted Haggard, Isaac Hunter, and Snakes in the Desert

"Fallen" former mega-church pastor Ted Haggard blogs about the apparent suicide of former mega-church pastor Isaac Hunter:

There are more grays in life than many of our modern theological positions allow... I can only image what many Christians must go through trying to reconcile the things we Evangelicals say are true with the realities of their own lives. Do we actually believe that the many pastors who have been characterized as fallen decided to be hateful, immoral, greedy, or deceitful? I think not. . … Saints, I have a high view of Scripture and am persuaded that the theological underpinnings of Evangelicalism are valid, but I am growing away from the Evangelical culture we have created. I think our movement has abandoned the application of the Gospel, and as a result we spend too much time on image management and damage control. Maybe we should be willing to admit that we are all growing in grace, be willing to be numbered with the transgressors, ...
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