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Do You Love Your Calling?

4 indicators that you've embraced what you are doing.
Do You Love Your Calling?

As a young man, Frederick Buechner attended a party on Long Island where the hostess found out he planned to go to seminary. "I understand that you are planning to enter the ministry," she said to him. "Is this your own idea, or were you poorly advised?"

The social status of church ministry as an occupation sinks steadily. A disproportionate number of entries in Who's Who used to be children of clergy. Not so much anymore. (Do they even keep track of "Who's Who" anymore?)

Despite this—or maybe because of it—the need for pastors who actually love their work is more important than ever. A wise man once said that the biggest single need pastors have is to experience deep satisfaction in their everyday life with God. And that one mark of those who experience such satisfaction is that they are at peace and that they love what they are doing.

"Peace comes from them. From such preachers I sense something coming to me that is deeper than words. ...

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