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Boston Bombs and the Image of God

My city's recent tragedy highlights humanity's dual nature.

Yesterday at 2:50 p.m., my city was attacked. Two bombs exploded,

terrorizing thousands. At least two people were killed, and hundreds were


Members of the congregation I pastor were on the fringes of danger. Some

were running in the marathon. One of our young ladies crossed the finish

line just before the blasts. Another followed just behind her. Surgeons in our

church were pulling all-nighters to help. Food service workers stayed longer

hours, just to serve the millions of guests something to eat. Our college

students left their dorms just blocks from the blasts, offered blankets, cell phone

chargers, anything they could to help. Tonight, I'll be speaking to hundreds of university students at MIT, trying to cope with the events of the previous day.

The fog of chaos has lifted a bit today, but we're still left with questions. Who did this? How? And more desperately, why?

Tragedies like this one show us the striking duality that exists in our race. Humanity was reminded yesterday just how ...

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