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Out of the Darkness: DVD Documentary (Anteroom Pictures)

A Leadership Journal review

Out of the Darkness: DVD Documentary
(Anteroom Pictures)

Out of the Darkness tells the stories of Mark Houck, a former sex addict, and Shelley Lubben, a former porn actress, who have both found freedom in Christ. Houck, a "normal" guy tells how he discovered his first Playboy as a pre-teen and got hooked on the magazines, and later on Internet porn. Houck struggled with his addiction for 16 years before making the decision to break free. He did so mainly by recommitting to his Christian faith. And while that story isn't told in great detail here, Houck makes it clear that it was his disciplined pursuit of righteousness that made the difference—more than his decision to simply avoid the temptation. It was the pursuit of the good more than the fleeing of the bad that helped him prevail.

Lubben's devastating-but-ultimately-redeeming story is told in much greater detail. Neglected by her parents as a child and sexually molested by a teen neighbor when she was just 9, Lubben desperately ...

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