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Promises Kept

Deliverance can bring freedom to multiple generations.

Before I actually encountered the demonic, I had a flawed theology about it. Even though I was a pastor, I saw the whole thing kind of like flying saucers—yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. Well, that all changed when a person in our church had a troubling case of demonization. Working with her was the first of multiple encounters I had with the demonic over a span of four or five years.

I remember one of these cases in particular, where we were helping a family that had been plagued by demonic forces. The wife was pregnant, and at one point, suddenly a demonic voice within her started screaming, "The baby is mine! The baby is mine!"

We ended up baptizing this young woman and there was an incredible breakthrough. She professed her faith in Christ and when she came up out of the water, there was just an amazing release. Then on the day that we dedicated that baby to the Lord, there was unbelievable resistance. The woman started thrashing around, almost as if she was having seizures. ...

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