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Stand Your Ground

A pastor must claim authority to lead effectively. People need to sense that the person setting the vision for the church is both competent and confident. If a pastor does not provide authoritative leadership, his or her ministry can be undermined. I have observed highly qualified and motivated pastors become ineffective because of their inability to claim their pastoral authority. Sometimes it takes pastors being confronted with challenges or crises in the church before they come to realize this necessity.

I recall a time when I selected a layperson to serve in a high profile leadership role in our church. My judgment of this person's qualifications was immediately questioned. The person who had concerns threatened to raise the issue at the church meeting where the election would take place, if I did not withdraw the person's name. That ultimatum put me in a difficult position. Should I go ahead with my nomination and risk having the nominee be humiliated at the meeting? Or should I acquiesce ...

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