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Besides counseling, what are some other ways that churches can encourage strong marriages?

There are several ways that churches can foster strong marriages. Undergirding each of the following suggestions is a premise that marriage must be maintained as a high priority from the pulpit and among the entire pastoral staff (and their spouses). Instead of using a "programmatic" structure to cast and sustain a vision for the church, healthy marriages should be the skeletal backbone of everything the church says and does, cradle to grave. Date nights, marriage retreats, small groups, and marriage seminars are all excellent ways of strengthening marriages, but they do not constitute a marriage ministry in and of themselves. What follows are some tangible tools that should be a part of every vibrant church. Healthy marriages mean healthy families. Healthy families mean a healthy church. And a healthy church can change the world.

  • Pastors and their wives must be willing to be authentic and vulnerable about their own marriages as they preach, teach, and lead. In addition, highlighting testimonies from members who have overcome marital difficulty is a powerful way to profile and encourage strong marriages from the pulpit.
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