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In what ways can church staff members support each other's ministries?

Gary Fenton responds in our Ask the Experts discussion.

Speaking the language of support is easier than authentically being supportive. Some staff members mistakenly assume that if they do not hinder another staff member's ministry, or if they occasionally drop a compliment, then they are being supportive. However, building a supportive church staff requires intentional, individual, and initiatory action.


In our general staff meeting, we provide opportunities to share victories and challenges. Lack of awareness of what is happening in each others' ministries is often the cause of lack of support. Additionally, we have two or three events a year in which all staff members are expected take full ownership. Our fall kick-off Sunday and our community Easter outreach event require every staff member to have some responsibility outside of his or her specialty. We plan as a large group; and then, after the event is over, we celebrate as a large group. No one ministry gets the credit. These events not only build up the church body, ...

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