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Gaga, Sheen, and Bell

Amid the current clamor over controversial personalities and hot blog topics, we're missing the soft voices of children in need.

To appear hip and relevant, and to increase readership, this column could conjecture about Lady Gaga, Charlie Sheen, or Rob Bell. Instead of spending your time and mine ingesting more of the over-covered and over-blogged, yet spicy topics de jour, let's chew on a different story.

Jason, for instance. In a week where the previously mentioned three people occupied an amazing amount of public bandwidth, Jason—on behalf of an amazing number of children—spoke words too soft to be heard by most.

It terms of urgency, though, his words should be important to all of us.

Glance into his classroom, and this second-grader blends in with the other children. Every Monday afternoon, he spends an hour with a mentor. Most weeks prove unspectacular and provide no morsels to write about. But that recently changed. In the briefest of moments, with fewer words than this sentence, Jason made mention of his weekend.

"Yesterday my dad forgot lunch and then he forgot dinner."

How does a parent forget about ...

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