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Most Popular Posts of 2011

The most talked about issues on Ur this year were...

Another year of conversation is coming to an end on Out of Ur. Thanks to all of our writers, contributors, and commenters. It's been a great year. Like many others, Urbanites were caught up in the controversy surrounding Rob Bell and his book Love Wins. But matters of church and state were also a frequent topic of debate. Women in leadership, same sex marriage, and Mark Driscoll also made a showing. (Sometimes I wonder what on Urth we'd talk about without Driscoll's bombastic opinions on YouTube.) More surprising this year was a series of posts about single pastors by Mark Almlie. Clearly it's an under-discussed topic.

Here's a look back at the most talked about posts from 2011.

Rob Bell: Universalist?
Folks are flipping out about Rob Bell's theology again. What's your take?
by Url Scaramanga

Are We Afraid of Single Pastors?
Where did the prejudice against single pastors come from, and how do we move past it?
by Mark Almlie

Ur Video: Driscoll on Mr. MomsShould stay-at-home dads face church discipline?by ...

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