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What steps should pastors take to cast a vision for building projects?

Nearly two years ago, in 2008, we launched the third and final capital campaign that would enable us to complete our modest campus. By our original reckoning, we should have been able to secure gifts and pledges for the entire $4 million and have completed it by August 2009. We created heartfelt, professional videos, publications, and messages that outlined how this third project would not only bless our people but also enable us to bless our San Gabriel Valley neighbors. Following this script, our previous two campaigns had enabled us to build and pay off the projects on time. But the third time definitely wasn't so charmed. The bank failures in the Fall of 2009 and the ongoing recession have certainly impacted our final effort.

However, lately I've also learned that our campaign sounded like just one more over-hyped sales pitch among the countless thrown at our young adult members daily. Even those on my staff told me, "You just need to be more honest about this project. It's a ...

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