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Is New Calvinism Really New Fundamentalism?

Is the rise of Calvinism among the young helping or hurting evangelicalism and the church's mission?

Fundamentalism is characterized by:

A.) Insularity. There's a mentality of insiders over against those who don't believe.

B.) Distrust towards culture as a place where God is at work.

C.) An "us against them" mentality. Because of the previous two characteristics, fundamentalists typically reject open dialogue. Engagement with culture takes the shape of winning arguments and confrontation. As the insularity builds, there is less and less wiggle room to associate with other Christians who disagree. As a result, a certain form of arrogance tends to infect fundamentalism.

These are the marks of classic fundamentalism. For all the obvious reasons, these characteristics tend to set Christians over against our neighbors. Its dynamic works against a missionally engaged Christianity.

After looking at the video inserted below, I see some early signs that Neo- Calvinism (also called the Neo-Reformed movement) is on its way to becoming a fundamentalism even in its edgier forms. It's a video with many ...

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