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Tips for Computer-use Policies

Monitoring use of proprietary assets Statements that company computing systems are provided as tools for business and all information created, accessed, or stored using these systems are the property of the company and subject to monitoring, auditing, or review.
Establishing no expectation of privacy Statements about the extent or limitations of privacy protections for employee use of email, the internet, and computer files.
Improper employee use Statements that some uses of company computers are inappropriate-including specific notice banning offensive material (e.g., obscenity, sexual content, racial slurs, derogation of people's personal characteristics), and language relating email and internet use to general prohibitions of harassment.
Allowable employee uses Statements explaining proper or acceptable uses of the company systems, including whether or not personal use is permitted.
Protecting sensitive company information Statements providing instructions for handling proprietary information on company systems.
Protecting sensitive company information Statements providing instructions for handling proprietary information on company systems.
Disciplinary action Statements that there are penalties and disciplinary actions for violations of company usage policy.
Employee acknowledgement of policy A statement requiring that employees demonstrate they understand the company policy and acknowledge their responsibility to adhere to the policy.

Source: U.S. General Accounting Office's analysis of recommended computer-use policies.

—from Church Law & Tax Report, July/August 2008

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