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The Primary Providers

A look at five major insurance providers serving U.S. churches, based on data from the end of 2009
  Brotherhood Mutual Church Mutual GuideOne Philadelphia Insurance Companies Zurich American Insurance
  brotherhoodmutual.com churchmutual.com guideone.com phly.com zurichna.com
A.M. Best Rating A (Excellent), with a stable outlook A+ (Superior), with a negative outlook A- (Excellent), with a positive outlook A+ (Superior), with a stable outlook A (Excellent), with a stable outlook
Assets $327.5 million $1.192 billion $1.3 billion $4.8 billion * $368.9 million
Claims Paid $115 million $372 million $262.4 million Did not provide $337.4 million
Claims Paid $115 million $372 million $262.4 million Did not provide $337.4 million
Direct Written Premium $214 million $568.8 million $505.7 million $2 billion * Did not provide
Policyholder Surplus $143.5 million $392.6 million $454.6 million $1.8 billion * $29.7 billion
Number of churches insured 33,000 churches and ministries more than 100,000 religious organizations (most are churches) 43,000 churches 8,500 to 10,000 churches Did not provide

* Financial information on a statutory basis

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