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Ground Rules for Staff Meetings

11 tips to consider.

What makes a great staff meeting? We follow several principles:

Have a regular time and place (and don't cancel!). This builds a pattern that reaps long-term benefits. Most staff teams find it best to meet early in the week. We expect all staff to be there.

Start (and end) on time. Starting late is disrespectful to those who have made it a priority to be on time. The discipline of the end time moves the meeting along and allows people to plan the rest of their day with confidence.

Have an agenda and stick to it (most of the time). Most meetings fail when adequate thought has not been put into what the group should discuss. Place priority items at the top of the agenda.

Be prepared. Those with assignments must come prepared. If this discipline breaks down, participants begin to consider preparation optional.

Have an established leader. Consistent leadership enhances the effectiveness of the meeting. If the senior pastor doesn't lead the staff meeting, some churches delegate it to another ...

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