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Small Groups Can Strengthen Your Mature Adult Ministry

Six steps to planning for successful small group ministry among older adults.

Small groups are one of the great vehicles to deliver Christ's love and healing to mature adults. Unfortunately, most middle and senior adult ministries do little to encourage small group involvement for members.

Why Small Groups?

Through small groups your mature adults will:

  1. experience a sense of belonging to a family/community;
  2. receive and give love and care;
  3. learn and grow in God's Word and its application;
  4. reach out to those not yet in the community of faith.

How to Start a Senior Adult Small Group

Six important issues to consider before you begin a new group. Answer these questions prior to each new group you begin and you will find your success rate to be high:

1. Who is our target audience? The more specifically you define the kind of people for whom the group is intended, the more likely the new group will be successful. "Older Adults" is marginal. "Older women" is better. "Older women between 60-70" is better still. "Older women between 60-70 who are widows and enjoy traveling" will give ...

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