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The Miracle of the Lost Glasses

When the kids and I prayed about Luke's lost glasses, I didn't really expect a positive answer.

In an effort to teach my Pioneer Clubs members the importance of prayer, and to give them lots of opportunities to express their concerns to God, we begin our weekly club meetings by taking prayer requests. I jot down the requests on an index card, and we pray for each item. The next week, before we take new requests, we review the previous week's list and get an update on how God has answered.

The kids are eager to share their needs and concerns. We've prayed for family members who are sick, tests at school, parents under a lot of stress, and even lost pets.

One week Luke came to club wearing his sports glasses. He told us he lost his regular glasses on the school playground, and he'd like us to pray that they would be found. He even added that he'd like them found in one piece because broken glasses would cost his parents money to repair.

Now, I can attest to God's faithfulness in answering prayer. I also know that God doesn't always answer the way I want him to. Since the glasses had been ...

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