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Stop trying to look good, and do the dirty work beneath the surface.

After twenty years as senior pastor, I finally had to admit I'd been "skimming" in my leadership. Skimming is the way many of us cope with multiple demands, constant pressure, and overloaded schedules. We cover a lot of ground superficially without being fully engaged. Like skimming a book, this can produce the impression that everything is covered, but in reality, you aren't completely there. How do you know you're skimming?

  • When you go from meeting to meeting without awareness of God.
  • When you say “yes” to new commitments and expansions without properly following through on what you are already doing.
  • When it is Friday and you realize you have not had enough time to allow the truth of what you are preaching to transform your own walk with Christ.
  • When you avoid difficult decisions and truths because someone will be upset.
  • When you muddle your way through a meeting because you have not clearly determined your goals and agenda.
  • When you make a pastoral phone call or visit – resentfully.
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