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An Uncomfortable Issue

The proliferation of vices in our culture means our posture as churches needs to adapt.

Last year our partner publication ChristianBibleStudies.com conducted a simple online poll, asking readers, "Have you ever struggled with an addiction?" When the numbers were reported, everyone was surprised. Over half of the respondents said they are currently battling or had previously struggled with an addiction.

We wondered if the response would be different among Leadership readers. We posted the same question on LeadershipJournal.net and Out of Ur. Hundreds of church leaders responded, and once again the outcome was startling. More than 50 percent acknowledged having a destructive vice they could not shake.

Although our online poll was not a scientific survey, it is consistent with what other studies have found. Our culture, including the Christian subculture, is hooked. Alcohol, pornography, tobacco, drugs (prescription and illegal), gambling, gaming, sex, media. The list of addictive behaviors has never been longer, and they have never been easier to find.

For our interview with Craig ...

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