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Blog ... The Devil Wants You To

Why the uber-bloggers encourage fasting from their task

For one of the first Catalyst lab sessions, three of the top Christian bloggers took the stage to talk shop: Ann Jackson (www.FlowerDust.net), Carlos Whittaker (www.RagamuffinSoul.com), and Jon Acuff (www.StuffChristiansLike.net)

So what wisdom did these titans of the blogosphere impart?

Stay away from blogging.

Well, take breaks at least. Basically, blogging is like cat nip for your ego, so taking the odd break is advisable.

Carlos led the way: "When the traffic started coming, I started to get a big head." And it wasn't just his head that was getting distorted by blogging exploits, his family, including his 3, 5 and 7 year-old were getting involved as well. No, they weren't blogging. He was blogging about them. So much so, that Carlos says they "grew up on the blog." Alarm bells sounded for Carlos when he snapped a family picture and his son asked, "Dad, are you gonna 'twitpic that?'" So Carlos took a break.

So did Anne Jackson. She was hitting the same wall. After her article on female ...

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