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Why do Christians need to be attentive to the attitudes of non-Christians toward the church?

Dan Kimball responds in our Ask the Experts discussion.

I wrote about this issue in They Like Jesus But Not The Church. If someone is a missionary in a foreign culture, they study the culture and the values of people. We need to do the same thing here today. We don't realize how Christians have come across to people over the past 20 years or so. There are a lot of negative stereotypes that people outside the church have of us, and we need to pay attention. I'd recommend the book UnChristian, which gives statistics and other information about the attitudes of non-Christians towards the church. If we know what these perceptions are, then we can address them.

This doesn't mean we have to compromise our theology. For example, some people feel it's arrogant for Christians to think that they are right and all other religions are wrong. In talking with these people, I try to show that we aren't "arrogant," but that we are truth-seekers looking to find who the true God is and the way of salvation. I then explain why I believe that Jesus is the only ...

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