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Small Churches Need a Brand Revival

One answer to our question about how small churches are perceived.

After the presidential election, I read a lot about the Republican "brand." Nearly every living pundit was talking about how the Republicans needed to repair the damage the election had done to it. The word "brand," of course, is marketing jargon for reputation and public image. I'll leave the politics to others, but I think a group in definite need of brand revival is small churches.

Let's face it: small churches, like Rodney Dangerfield, get no respect. Or at least very little. Small congregations typically are viewed as stodgy, dead, or sick–that last one according to a very prominent church consultant who will remain anonymous. Here, in my opinion, are a host of wrong perceptions held by many:

  • Small churches are stuck in the past with no vision for the future.
  • Small churches don't want to grow.
  • Small churches are pastor-killers.
  • Small churches don't have the resources to do real ministry.
  • Small churches are run by a handful of people.
  • Small churches are dead, dull, and boring.

I am sure ...

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