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Satan Comes on Day 40

Help for resisting the temptations that come your way.

Matthew 4:2: "Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards, he was famished." It was then that "the tempter came."

What an understatement. When you haven't eaten for almost six weeks, you're not just famished, you're dangerously weak. Your muscles and bones hurt. Your electrolyte levels are way off. You're not able to think clearly.

You're so hungry your eyes are practically rolling back inside your head.

And that is when Satan shows up. He doesn't come right after Jesus is baptized, when the heavens open up, and the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus and rests on him and God says, audibly, so people hear it, "This is My Son, whom I love." Instead, Satan waits until all that is a distant memory, so distant, that it seems like, "Did that really happen?" Satan comes on Day 40.

Have you ever had an amazing encounter with God, when everything seemed so clear, and so affirming, and you heard his voice - but later, you were in such desperate shape you could hardly remember any of it; in fact, ...

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