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Bill Hybels Responds to REVEAL

Willow Creek tries to set the record straight about their changes.

In a video released on June 5, Bill Hybels discusses the "unfortunate" reporting that has revolved around Willow Creek's REVEAL survey. The video refers to a recent Christianity Today article and Out of Ur posts as examples of "misinformation." You can watch Hybels' full interview with Jim Mellado, the president of the Willow Creek Association, here.

After watching the video you may want to read the articles in question and post your feedback:

Willow Creek Repents?: Why the most influential church in America now says "We made a mistake."

Willow Implements REVEAL: Greg Hawkins tells about the big changes Willow Creek is making.

Willow Creek's 'Huge Shift': Influential megachurch moves away from seeker-sensitive services.

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