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To the Suburban Church of North America

A open letter to this expression of American Christianity.

Unlike John of Patmos, we can't convey the words of the risen Christ. But we can imagine what words of correction and comfort Jesus would give to the churches today. That's just what Christianity Today magazine asked seven pastors to do at the close of the last decade.

Patterned after the letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor in Revelation 2–3, these contemporary church leaders have tried to discern what Christ might say through them today. How would he challenge and correct different segments of the church? How would he encourage and comfort them? While the words that follow aren't inspired, our hope is that they will be inspiring.

Each week this month on BuildingChurchLeaders.com we'll consider more letters like this one.

A message from the Son of God, Jesus, whom you call Master and who calls you to follow him.

My churches in suburbia are one of the wonders of the world—there has never been anything quite like them. What energy, enthusiasm, generosity! And you're honest. ...

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