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To the Pentecostal & Charismatic Churches

An open letter to this vibrant and growing segment of the church

Each week this month, BuildingChurchLeaders.com is considering how different expressions of Christianity can more faithfully embody the calling God has placed on them. These letters are patterned off the words of Jesus in Revelation 2–3. While they lack the authority of Scripture, they contain many convicting insights brought in the spirit of humility and love for the church. This letter, written Todd Hunter, church planter and former national director of VineyardUSA, goes out to the congregations he knows best.

From the ascended and glorified Lord Jesus Christ—who sent the promised Holy Spirit, that out of your innermost being shall flow streams of living water for the sake of the world. I know your century-long praiseworthy acts. Even when most of the world and some of the church believed that I merely spun this world into existence like a child's top and then walked away, you faithfully and passionately embraced the visible, mysterious work of the Spirit. You demonstrated that ...

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