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Top 10 Posts of 2007

A year ago on this blog it seemed hard to imagine that 2007 would surpass 2006 in traffic and participation, but that is exactly what happened. Thanks to the thousands of Ur-banites that read this blog everyday and drive the conversation, 2007 has been the best since Out of Ur launched in '04. Thanks for sharing your time and insights with us. You've made this blog an engaging place to discuss the intersection of ministry, culture, and theology.

Here are the top ten posts from 2007. These were not determined by the editors, but by Ur's visitors. These are the posts which received the most traffic and provoked the most comments.


Willow Creek Repents?

Why the most influential church in America now says "We made a mistake."


Heresy on Tour?

Popular pastor/author Rob Bell's controversial message: God loves you.


Gordon MacDonald's 2008 Questions


Willow Creek Repents? (Part 2)

Greg Hawkins responds with the truth about REVEAL.


So Many Infant Christians

Why are we so good at leading ...

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