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Behind Closed Doors: Sally Morgenthaler's Story

No one knew what was happening at the parsonage.

How did you learn your husband's sexual addiction had led him to molest the neighbor's daughter?

We were on vacation, and the neighbor watching our house called to say he'd picked up a phone message from a detective wanting to speak to my husband. I thought it was so strange, and when I mentioned this to my husband, his face went white.

The day we got back from vacation, the detective called. "Mrs. Morgenthaler, we have reason to believe that your husband has been involved in a molestation case with the girl who lives next door. She told her school counselor a few weeks ago. He needs to turn himself in."

I hung up the phone and went to the garage (it was kind of his haven) to tell him the police wanted him.

He minimized his behavior. "Well, something might have happened, but we were just playing together and she must have misunderstood," he said.

Perhaps out of my own denial, I decided to believe him.

Were there any clues through the years that something was wrong?

I met my former husband in ...

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