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The Gift

Look close. Real close. The priceless reward for everyone in children's ministry is clear: watching children, one by one, take steps in their walks with Jesus.

Look close.

Real close.

The priceless reward for everyone in children's ministry is clear: watching children, one by one, take steps in their walks with Jesus. Sometimes those strides will be little, unsure shuffles. Other times they'll be giant leaps of faith. Whatever the size, you get to be right there, cheering them on. Ministry is a gift to all involved.

The challenge, though, lies in our ability to see the gift.

In his book Here and Now, author Henri Nouwen says, "Ministry is, first of all, receiving God's blessing from those to whom we minister. What is this blessing? It is a glimpse of the face of God … We can see God in the face of Jesus, and we can see the face of Jesus in all those who need our care."

In the opinion of those of us in children's ministry, this blessing is even greater when it involves a precious child.

Expanding upon Henri's thought, a children's ministry volunteer wrote a poem that describes a special gift we receive through working with kids.

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