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Leader's Insight: Truth? Absolutely!

A father's "dying words" to his graduating senior.

Dear Son,

As your graduation from high school approaches, I've been thinking about the question, "What is the most important foundational truth I could share with my legacy before he leaves home?" That's how I came up with …

My Dying Words (hypothetically)

Don't be alarmed. I'm not dying … not that I know of. But if I were, if I was suddenly hit by a car and you saw the accident and ran over to me and asked, "Dad, what's the most important thing for me to remember as I carry your legacy into the world?" here's what I'd say: There is absolute truth and that truth is spelled J-E-S-U-S.

The world and its philosophies will try to sell you on the idea that all truth is relative. They'll say, "What's true for you may not be true for me." Logic defies this notion, though. In fact, the statement, "I know there is no absolute truth" is flawed.

In response to that statement, you could ask, "Are you saying that you know it is absolutely and always true that there is no absolute truth?" And ...

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