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The Poet of Ur: "Genus: Blog, Species: Comment"

Wheaton College professor, and guest poet of Ur, Dan Haase has been watching our conversation from a distance. Dan sent along this short piece to help us pause and think. It has made me wonder, should this blog be seeking to elevate the dialogue among brothers and sister in Christ–a place for us to grow through the spiritual discipline of conversation? Or, should this forum simply reflect the character of the church today–both its decency and decay? Perhaps Dan's words will help us all think more carefully before we submit comments in the future.

Genus: Blog, Species: Comment

Some come like snakes –

Through cracks, and holes,

and misconceptions of argument –

Hissing out their truth,

causing dust to rise,

into the eyes and nostrils –

Then, in clouded mind,

With venom in the veins,

The BODY dies.

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