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Desire For God

No stupid questions.

What are you looking for? John 1:38 NRSV

One day John the Baptist pointed to Jesus Christ and said, "Look, here is the Lamb of God." Two of John's disciples left him that day and immediately began to follow Jesus. When Jesus realized they were walking behind him, he turned and asked them, "What are you looking for?"

That is such a good question.

I can envision these two new disciples with their heads down, each nudging the other to answer Jesus' question. Finally, one of them says, "Teacher, where are you staying?"

The other guy must have put his face in his hands. What a dumb answer! Why didn't he say that they were looking for truth, or maybe the kingdom of God?

To be honest, most of the questions I ask God really aren't very profound either. I would love to impress God with my speculations about the inner dynamics of the Trinity, but I'm not up all night thinking about that. The things that keep me up at night are much more trivial.

Most of us don't really yearn for world peace. We think ...

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