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Sunday's Comin' To Illustrate

Worship on the Porch

When I was a missionary in Paraguay, a Maka Indian named Rafael came and sat on my porch. I went out to see what he wanted. He responded, "Ham, henek met." I asked what I could do for him, but the answer was the same: "I don't want anything; I have just come near."

I understood what he was saying, but not its significance. A veteran missionary explained that Rafael was honoring me. He only wanted to sit on my porch. He found satisfaction and pleasure being near me.

"What brings you here, my child?" the Lord asks us.

Can we say, "Ham, henek met"?

Psalm 27:4; Luke 10:38-42; James 4:8-10; 1 John 1:3
Fellowship, Meekness, Worship

Following Jesus Exactly

My friend bought a 19-foot jet boat and invited me along for her maiden voyage. We put the boat in the North Fork of the Snake River. The water was low because of a drought. My friend eased the throttle up until we were racing across the surface at 35 m.p.h. Suddenly we hit a sandbar, and the boat stopped. We stepped out, into ...

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