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Putting People Off the Bus

In our online newsletter, Kevin Miller called terminating a worker "throw-up time." Here's an excerpt:

"Recently I had to look in the eyes of someone and tell her she could no longer be part of our team. Her final day would be in two weeks. … Her large, brown eyes began to well with tears. …

"Meanwhile, I was reading Good to Great (HarperBusiness, 2001), in which Jim Collins explains the traits of leaders who transform good organizations into great ones. 'We expected that good-to-great leaders would begin by setting a new vision and strategy,' he writes. 'We found instead that they first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats—then figured out where to drive it.'"

Online readers joined the debate:

My problem with this bus metaphor is that removing a volunteer from a position of leadership is like telling Uncle Harry he can't help out with the family reunion anymore because he's too obnoxious and tells bad jokes.—Lauren Porter, ...

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