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Criticism Avoiders Anonymous

"Hello. My name is Clark." (Group responds, "Hi, Clark.")

"I am a … " (Group encourages, "You can say it. It's okay.")

"I'm a … criticism avoider." (Applause all around.)

"It started when I was a kid … " ("Come on now." "Tell it.")

" … and my mom would praise me for everything. She'd say, 'Can you say Momma?' I'd say it and she would gush about what a smart kid I was." ("We know, man. We know.")

"Then I would take the trash out when she asked me to and she'd make a big deal over that, too." ("We feel your pain, man.")

"And those good grades in school … " ("Oh tell me about it." "You're not alone.")

"So with me thinking I had to be the perfect kid and all that … " ("Yes, you can do it." "C'mon." "Pour it out, man.")

" … I learned not to say anything that would result in … " ("Just say the word." "It's not that hard.")

" … that would result in … criticism." (More applause.)

"Then, when I expressed my opinion in class, and a couple ...

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