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As a boating enthusiast, I enjoy sea stories. One ancient tale of the sea is that of the mysterious creatures known as sirens, those mythological creatures that appeared to sailors. In the distance sirens looked ravishingly beautiful, and a brief glance led to fixation. The sound of their voices was a hypnotic lure that couldn't be resisted. Sailors would jump overboard and swim toward the object of their dreams. But upon arrival, they would discover an ugly monstrous hag who would drag them into the deep where they would drown and be eaten.

The Seven Deadly Sins are like sirens. They beckon us. On first glance, they seem like something lovely, something that we want, we need, we deserve. But when we answer their call and swim toward them, we find ourselves face to face with a nightmare.

And, it's time to admit it: these sirens sing to church leaders. Here's how their songs sometimes sound to us.


Many pastors need to be needed. We pastors love to set ourselves up as the experts. As fountains ...

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