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How Do You Handle Accusations and Lies?

Readers respond

As a Christian leader, how do you handle accusations and lies being spread about you?

That's the question a reader asked: "Do you know how to handle this problem in a biblical way? I want to give it to the Lord and let him deal with it, but it hurts too much. Do you know how leaders deal with this situation?"

I invited your responses, and many wonderful ones arrived. Together, they form an excellent Bible study for whenever you are being slandered. Check them out.

In closing, I give you this article, passed on from a reader, titled "Brokenness." Its author is unknown.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise (Psalm 51:17 NASB).

When to do the will of God means that even my Christian brethren will not understand and I remember that "neither did His brethren believe in Him" (John 7:5) and I bow my head to obey and accept the misunderstanding — this is brokenness.

When I am misrepresented or deliberately misinterpreted, and I remember ...

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