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Snares of pastoring.org

I was refreshed to read Kevin Miller's "Heart and Soul" column (Fall 1998), undoubtedly because I fit his description of a thought leader. Although I have been in ministry more than 15 years, only during the last 3-4 years have I tried to define my growing resistance to the prevailing view that "organizational leadership" epitomizes pastoral leadership.

It is not that I cannot "manage by objectives." My resistance developed as I felt several conflicts between my beliefs and the practice of this leadership style.

1. The organizational model of ministry tends to mechanize people, fitting them into systems as one fits a cog into a machine. Only a rather narrow set of skills are needed for church ministry systems (i.e. music or teaching or small groups). People with gifts and interests outside the dominant systems feel guilty. They may have other God-honoring, Christocentric, Spirit-led priorities but feel guilty because they are not meeting the stated need of the church. ...

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