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After visiting a few services, she came by Phil's office one Monday morning. Phil was usually at his depleted worst on Monday morning, and that snowy winter day was no exception. Phil was at his desk considering all the reasons to resign and go ice fishing when his secretary, Jan, came in.

"Pastor, a visitor who's been coming to church lately is in the office. Rose Sullivan. She didn't have an appointment but insists on seeing you." Jan rolled her eyes. "And she knows how to be very insistent!"

Phil thought, The last thing I want is to listen to some insistent complainer, but he said, "Show her in."

Just after Jan departed, Rose burst into the office. "There you are, Pastor Jones!" she exclaimed. "Can I call you Phil? Of course I will, dear, because I understand you!"

Rose was middle aged and with casually but carefully tasseled black hair that framed a flawless face and big blue eyes with long, dark curls. She wore expensive gold jewelry that accented a stylish and seductive dress. Her ...

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