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Divine Comedy

One of the great questions of our day is: What are the key differences between a baby boomer and a baby buster, given the common denominator that they're both babies?

The church where I work has a pastor whom we'll call Pastor X (that's not his real name; his real name is Pastor Y) whose specialty is ministering to baby busters. He's written a book on the subject: "New Whineskins: How to Reach a Generation of Sniveling, Complaining, Undisciplined Malcontents." (It's one of only three books to be published last year that was not written by George Barna.)

I have my own theory. I believe the primary difference between boomers and busters can be summarized in a single word: Flannel.

Flannel was a crucial element in the religious education of boomers. Most of what I know about theology I learned in flannel. We had a special guest lecturer in the Sunday school I attended as a kid--we called her the "Flannel Lady"--who had advanced training in flannel. She held us spellbound simply by presenting ...

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