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This Is Not Your Boomer's Generation

What works-and doesn't-in reaching busters for Christ.

The Great Room at the Navigators' Glen Eyrie castle never rocked like that before. When a high-decibel praise band and around 200 people involved in ministry to Generation X descended on Colorado Springs last March, more than windows quaked. Those evangelizing and discipling this post-baby-boom, post-Christian generation called for a reappraisal of Christian mission every bit as radical as that demanded by the Jesus People twenty-five years ago.

"For many of the nearly 40 million young people between 18 and 34," said Ken Baugh, director of Frontline, a ministry to baby busters at McLean Bible Church in McLean, Virginia, "preachers are like used car salesmen or politicians. But if your relationships with them are good, and if you are perceived as being authentic, then they'll follow you into the church through the back door."

Throughout the three-day Gen X Forum, sponsored by Leadership ...

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