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Ann was ecstatic to learn she was pregnant again. For nine months she carried her child, experiencing all the various stages of her baby's growth and development.

Late in her ninth month, she went into labor, and her husband rushed her to the hospital. The couple was sent directly into the delivery room. Their physician estimated that the baby would arrive in less than an hour.

Shortly after his announcement, the fetal heart monitor around Ann's abdomen abruptly stopped.

"Suddenly, the entire atmosphere was charged with tension and anxiety," her husband later recalled. "I was rushed out as nurses and doctors rushed in." An emergency Caesarean section was performed, but despite the best efforts of the medical professionals, the baby was stillborn.

In shock, the father called me; I was their minister. I will never forget the moment I walked into their hospital room and saw Ann holding her child, a perfectly developed little girl.

"She was strangled by her own umbilical cord," Ann told me, tears ...

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