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Nearly 200,000 men gathered in stadiums in six states where they yelled and screamed, whooped and hollered, and made human waves of arms and hands.

But they weren't gathered for a baseball game.

These men--who sang, prayed, held hands, and heard inspirational talks by leaders like Charles Swindoll and E. V. Hill--were attending Christian men's conferences organized by the nonprofit organization Promise Keepers.

This was the first year Promise Keepers offered conferences outside Boulder, Colorado, where Colorado University football coach Bill McCartney started the gatherings in July 1990, with 71 men.

Maybe none of the men in your church attended this summer's conferences, held in Anaheim; Boise, Idaho; Denton, Texas; Portland, Oregon; Indianapolis; and Boulder. But they and your church will probably be influenced by this growing organization or the broad Christian men's movement it represents.

In 1995, Promise Keepers hopes to produce daily radio broadcasts and occasional TV programs. The organization ...

From Issue:Summer 1994: Vision
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