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I was standing at the front of the congregation giving an altar call when I saw our eight-year-old learning-disabled son dart away from his mother and come running down the aisle toward me. He had done this before. When he got to where I was standing, I took him firmly by the shoulder and sat him down on the front row.

Immediately a voice within me seemed to say, You have offended one of my little ones. I remembered that earlier in the day I had heard my son say to his mother, "Mama" I want to love Jesus." He didn't know how to express that love, but he did associate loving Jesus with walking down the aisle and talking to the preacher.

I thought to myself, I corrected him for doing the one thing I want him to do more than anything. If I can't understand the needs of my own son, how can I begin to understand the needs of other learning-disabled people?

That day I promised God I would find ways to minister to the needs of these special people. I made it a point to talk ...

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