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When church workers resist the draft, start enlisting them.

The lazy days of summer? Not hardly. It's more like Panic City for those of us who have to keep various ministries supplied with workers. When the preschool coordinator tells you no one is left to teach the 2-year-olds, what's a pastor to do? How do you answer the question, "Would it disturb the service that much if the 2-year-olds sat with their parents?"

Recruiting workers, always a challenge, is brought sharply into focus during the summer, whether keeping ministry positions filled or gearing up for fall programs.

Once, in an attempt to staff our nursery, we resorted to heavy-handed tactics, assigning parents to nursery duty on a particular Sunday, whether they volunteered or not.

"If you've got kids in the nursery," we said in effect, "then we expect you to carry your fair share."

Then we wondered why so many helpers failed not only to show up for duty but failed even to come to church on their assigned days. We discovered draftees often go awol without completing their tour of duty. Such ...

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