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One day near the end of the spring semester, representatives of large corporations and the military arrived on campus to recruit the soon-to-be college graduates. They set up tables in the gym, taped up posters, and spread out their literature.

The grads, resumes in hand, streamed in and headed for the eye-catching tables. Some reps had slide shows or video-taped presentations, others offered give-aways to prospects.

One representative's table was noteworthy because of the absence of colorful posters and promotional material. There was only one hand-lettered sign: IF YOU WANT A CHALLENGE. At first, no one ventured by. Finally, one grad stopped by.

"What company do you represent?" he asked.

"One with a solid history and great employee satisfaction."

"What's the job description?" the grad countered.

"Our employees work sixty- to seventy-hour weeks, including weekends, and are on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."

"Is this a job or a lifestyle?" the senior gasped.

"Both," replied the ...

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