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Steve was desperate. Starting with marijuana almost twenty years earlier, he had gone on to try all sorts of drugs, including cocaine. He thought he was a user, not an addict-he always felt he was in control.

Now, however, he was smoking crack cocaine, and he knew it was controlling him. He had exhausted thousands of dollars in savings, pawned everything of value, spent every cent he earned, and started writing bad checks.

But mostly he was concerned about his 11-year-old daughter. He felt guilty having his drug-using friends around her, and he knew if his lifestyle didn't change soon, he would lose custody of her.

One of Steve's friends asked me if I could help. I invited him to my home to see what I could do, hoping to get him into some kind of treatment program.

It didn't take long to realize my counseling skills couldn't help Steve. Together we sought God with intense, desperate prayer. Finally I commanded any demonic spirits oppressing Steve to leave.

I didn't hear ...

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