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The theme of the Winter 1988 issue of LEADERSHIP was Sex, and because 91 percent of our readers are men, the issue reflected the male perspective. In the months since it appeared, we've received a number of responses from women. Here are four that offer thoughtful assessments.

The following observations are not new, but they struck me forcefully again as I read this issue.

The first is this: Men tend to think of sexuality as an entity apart from the rest of their person, a package off to the side of their life that has to be dealt with. Those who have trouble with their sexuality (and not all men do) see it as a "monkey on my back" rather than "what the soil of my life is producing."

While women generally have a keener sense of sexuality's being rooted in their person, the women I know who have sexual problems also see it as a force outside themselves. It is part of our culture's lie that sex is a thing you do rather than who you are.

The failure to see this lack of integration (or integrity) ...

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