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Vernon Grounds, president emeritus after twenty-four years as president of Denver Seminary, is now director of the Grounds Counseling Center and president of Evangelicals for Social Action. Defining integrity as "the antithesis of hypocrisy, sound all the way through, like a gold coin without alloy," he recommends the following books.

Integrity: Let Your Yea Be Yea

by J. Daniel Hess, Herald Press, 1978

I consider this series of lectures by the professor of communication at Goshen College the best available resource for understanding the multifaceted meaning of integrity. Hess, of the Brethren-Mennonite tradition, was reared in a Christian subculture where a person's word needed no confirmation by an oath or a signed document.

Hess devotes a chapter to each of the many facets of integrity: authenticity, wholeness, veracity, verisimilitude, reconciliation, and shalom. Describing integrity as "the stone, steel, and lumber of ethics," Hess sums up its meaning in our Lord's admonition: "Let your ...

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