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Coloring and Constructing Worship

Open the Doors by C. Harry Causey, Music Revelation, $7.00

Worship Is a Verb by Robert E. Webber, Word, $12.95

Reviewed by David Shelley, pastor of worship and adult ministries, Sun River Church, Rancho Cordova, California

Increased interest does not automatically produce increased ability. Protestant worship illustrates the point.

The concern for genuine and significant worship has risen like helium the last few years. Thanks to burgeoning resources, we know more about worship, yet all the information has made us more willing than able. Few babies learn to walk by being convinced they should.

Harry Causey's Open the Doors and Robert Webber's Worship Is a Verb are good news for turning intentions into actions. Given the diversity of worship practices, these authors have taken on no easy task. Not every church will immediately build its services directly from these books. Many, however, will find their perspectives and suggestions practical.

Open the Doors suggests ...

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